February 2021 Digital Meetup
This month special guest Caitlin Cadieux joined us to go over her cel animation workflow from Procreate to Photoshop to compositing in After Effects. It was a great free flowing demo on concerting, techniques, tools, and finishing. Caitlin covered material from two primary pieces: SERVANT and Stirfry’s Dream. Her tool of choice for the iPad is Procreate and she works with Animator’s Toolbar Pro inside Photoshop before sending files to composite in After Effects.
If you want to see more of Caitlin’s work be sure to check out her portfolio and Instagram.
Our 3×3 quick tips were presented by Lucas (trigger at marker expression), Tara (speed graph tips), and David (Remix feature in Adobe Audition).
Prompt submission for Warmth were reviewed from Hanna, Jill, and Adam.
This month we were fortunate enough to give away two prizes through random drawings. One year of Adobe Creative Cloud won by Wendie. Timelord, a relatively new tool for working with cel animation in Photoshop, Animate, and After Effects was won by David. Congrats!
Thanks to everyone who came out this month!
Expand Chat Transcript
00:05:28.731,00:05:31.731 MNAEUG Organizer: We'll post a link in the meeting summary and on the Facebook and Discord groups. 00:05:37.699,00:05:40.699 Hanna Loegering: Thx 00:06:25.259,00:06:28.259 Matt Oberdalhoff: Nice! 00:06:38.804,00:06:41.804 Janelle Van Sloun: Awesome. Thank you! 00:07:08.599,00:07:11.599 Lucas Langworthy: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KnsX-oDuxyNvsZmPKynJOEoEjLVg35Y6yFTSUiI_Dag/edit?usp=sharing 00:07:42.781,00:07:45.781 Janelle Van Sloun: Hi everyone! This is my first virtual MNAEUG, used to go to them in person in the before times. Anyways, hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/janellevansloun/ 00:10:37.104,00:10:40.104 Janelle Van Sloun: Thank you Tara! 00:10:43.930,00:10:46.930 Janelle Van Sloun: Yes we hear you 00:15:20.253,00:15:23.253 Hanna Loegering: Cool! 00:26:26.867,00:26:29.867 MNAEUG Organizer: https://procreate.art/ 00:36:30.877,00:36:33.877 Tara Iannarelli: #truth 00:36:50.230,00:36:53.230 MNAEUG Organizer: http://www.animatorstoolbar.com/product/animators-toolbar-pro-cc/ 00:40:22.271,00:40:25.271 Caitlin Cadieux: ctrl + shift + ] 00:41:25.756,00:41:28.756 MNAEUG Organizer: ⌘ ⇧ ] for us mac nerds 00:43:47.587,00:43:50.587 MNAEUG Organizer: https://www.instagram.com/p/CKwiyXDnNOR 00:51:43.116,00:51:46.116 Joseph Siemsen: Do you have any specific reasons for leaning towards this combination of software and techniques vs others? 01:00:02.356,01:00:05.356 Tara Iannarelli: Are there any other questions for Caitlin? 01:00:53.001,01:00:56.001 Joseph Siemsen: what is something you learned during making the switch to the iPad that you wished you knew from the beginning? 01:03:48.460,01:03:51.460 David Lund: https://www.amazon.com/PaperLike-Protector-Texture-Reflection-Installation/dp/B07ZD5QJ6Q/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=2Z6RSTEBGCTJ6&dchild=1&keywords=paper+screen+protector&qid=1613700466&sprefix=paper+screen%2Caps%2C198&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzQjJZSklRMDI4NTNKJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMzY4OTIyMlMyTTdINlVXRFdYMCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNTQ0MTkzM1MzWVM5SzAxMEJCUCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU= 01:04:02.088,01:04:05.088 Caitlin Cadieux: https://gumroad.com/maxulichney 01:04:03.074,01:04:06.074 David Lund: this is the cheap-y one that I got, just to see if I'd like it 01:05:30.665,01:05:33.665 Jill Zimmerman: Thank you! 01:05:35.362,01:05:38.362 Matt Oberdalhoff: Thanks for showing! 01:05:36.686,01:05:39.686 Joseph Siemsen: Thank you thank you thank you!!!! 01:05:36.816,01:05:39.816 Janelle Van Sloun: Thank you! 01:05:39.377,01:05:42.377 Brian Barber: Thanks! 01:05:46.149,01:05:49.149 Kyle Kehrwald: 👏👏👏 01:06:44.080,01:06:47.080 David Lund: Bonus points for D&D fan! Great stuff. Thank you! 01:06:45.009,01:06:48.009 Caitlin Cadieux: @caitcadieux 01:06:45.726,01:06:48.726 Brian Klein: Woot Woot! 01:07:08.945,01:07:11.945 Joseph Siemsen: Dungeons and Daddies? 01:07:52.008,01:07:55.008 Joseph Siemsen: ah yes the part of the AEUG meeting where DnD is discussed at length 01:08:13.682,01:08:16.682 David Lund: hahaha 01:08:18.252,01:08:21.252 Matt Oberdalhoff: Dad approved 01:08:37.360,01:08:40.360 Caitlin Cadieux: DIMENSION 20 01:08:39.472,01:08:42.472 Joseph Siemsen: it truly is Matt 01:09:33.354,01:09:36.354 David Lund: I mean, 90% of the reason I miss meetups is because you schedule it the same night as my D&D night... 01:09:43.019,01:09:46.019 Caitlin Cadieux: @Tara Tiny Heist is one with the McElroys also! I haven't seen it yet but I've heard amazing things https://dimension20.fandom.com/wiki/Tiny_Heist 01:09:45.764,01:09:48.764 Joseph Siemsen: priorities 01:09:55.700,01:09:58.700 Adam Demers: One more in Facebook 01:10:15.618,01:10:18.618 Janelle Van Sloun: Cant see it 01:11:17.038,01:11:20.038 Caitlin Cadieux: that feels so real rn 01:11:21.877,01:11:24.877 Caitlin Cadieux: LARGE MOOD 01:11:26.625,01:11:29.625 Peter Wagner: Well done! 01:11:27.777,01:11:30.777 M. Gurtek: Saw this on the Gram. Nice work Hannah 01:11:32.195,01:11:35.195 Matt Oberdalhoff: I feel that sun man 01:11:45.620,01:11:48.620 Joseph Siemsen: the fx animation is a nice touch 01:11:47.410,01:11:50.410 Caitlin Cadieux: how did you do the motion trails? 01:11:50.030,01:11:53.030 Jim Collins: Nice! 01:13:18.013,01:13:21.013 Adam Demers: LInk to another WARMTH submission: https://vimeo.com/514064429?fbclid=IwAR2GiUlHukhFSaIErJVOpI5H6SXsdlsRvFlqNXaHYWbQchHJb4rPLFgaJCA 01:14:18.217,01:14:21.217 Joseph Siemsen: very cute, my wife would fight the dog for that spot if there was a vent big enough for a person 01:14:53.465,01:14:56.465 Matt Oberdalhoff: That exhale from the dog, I know dog that way. 01:15:37.143,01:15:40.143 Joseph Siemsen: draw it straight and curl it within AE and then undo it? 01:15:52.381,01:15:55.381 Angel Torres: I think with the Puppet Tool 01:16:09.824,01:16:12.824 Brian Klein: Make a straight line, then twirl it? 01:16:49.556,01:16:52.556 Kyle Kehrwald: This thing? https://aescripts.com/authors/a-b/bao-plugins/ 01:17:00.331,01:17:03.331 Janelle Van Sloun: After this, I am attending Spark's webinar on the Making of The Snoopy Show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vwMTcWCNvQ&feature=youtu.be 01:17:08.429,01:17:11.429 Beau Gilles: Wayfinder? 01:17:37.435,01:17:40.435 Joseph Siemsen: there is also a literal twirl effect 01:17:46.800,01:17:49.800 Matt Oberdalhoff: I'd combine all this, and posterize time on twos to match the animation 01:18:01.683,01:18:04.683 M. Gurtek: Duik Basel 01:18:08.116,01:18:11.116 M. Gurtek: Put some bones in it 01:18:14.444,01:18:17.444 Joseph Siemsen: frame by frame cell animation? 01:18:46.928,01:18:49.928 Matt Oberdalhoff: when is duik going to release the 'make project' button feature? 01:18:52.690,01:18:55.690 Joseph Siemsen: ha 01:19:03.610,01:19:06.610 Joseph Siemsen: just don't tell the client the button exists now 01:19:52.068,01:19:55.068 Matt Oberdalhoff: I remember these from my childhood home 01:20:13.720,01:20:16.720 Angel Torres: very clever 01:21:13.257,01:21:16.257 Brian Barber: I just bled our radiators a couple weeks ago... 01:21:38.031,01:21:41.031 Joseph Siemsen: anyone have a discord link on hand? 01:22:29.223,01:22:32.223 MNAEUG Organizer: https://discord.gg/YQTN4by 01:23:42.831,01:23:45.831 Matt Oberdalhoff: Changing the subject are we? Show us the jams! fair question though. 01:24:27.725,01:24:30.725 MNAEUG Organizer: https://aescripts.com/save-comp-as-project/ 01:24:58.427,01:25:01.427 Angel Torres: have you tried reducing the project before exporting? 01:25:22.510,01:25:25.510 Caitlin Cadieux: that was my thought -- i save a copy of the project file to my desktop, NOT the original path, cause it makes you save 01:25:29.562,01:25:32.562 Caitlin Cadieux: and then reduce and save as filename_import.aep 01:25:34.098,01:25:37.098 Caitlin Cadieux: and then import that into the main project 01:27:36.361,01:27:39.361 Joseph Siemsen: strategically break it so it can be easily fixed again just in case 01:28:56.228,01:28:59.228 Joseph Siemsen: in like 2 days I'll have something to show off but it isn't public yet 01:30:35.332,01:30:38.332 Joseph Siemsen: oh sick... saved in calendar now 01:30:49.194,01:30:52.194 David Lund: awesome! 01:31:07.799,01:31:10.799 Joseph Siemsen: 7PM? 01:31:16.441,01:31:19.441 Hanna Loegering: So Cool! 01:32:40.536,01:32:43.536 Tara Iannarelli: Yes our meeting in March will be at 7pm. 01:33:14.872,01:33:17.872 Matt Oberdalhoff: SPIN 01:33:16.764,01:33:19.764 Matt Oberdalhoff: SPIN 01:33:22.754,01:33:25.754 Joseph Siemsen: no whammies 01:33:44.166,01:33:47.166 Matt Oberdalhoff: Imagine i'm chanting, but I don't want to be banned for spam 01:34:04.322,01:34:07.322 Matt Oberdalhoff: WENDIE 01:34:48.671,01:34:51.671 Joseph Siemsen: "Kids bed time" as I look over at my daughter sucking the chocolate kiss off a cookie" 01:34:52.984,01:34:55.984 Matt Oberdalhoff: Congratulates 01:35:16.875,01:35:19.875 Caitlin Cadieux: worth the money even UNTOUCHED 01:35:19.409,01:35:22.409 Caitlin Cadieux: that's how good it is 01:35:23.558,01:35:26.558 Matt Oberdalhoff: I wanna be the time lord 01:35:30.060,01:35:33.060 Brian Klein: supporting a great developer!! 01:35:36.828,01:35:39.828 Kyle Kehrwald: Anyone have a discord invite? I want in! 01:36:27.957,01:36:30.957 Wendie Owens: Omg. I panicked trying to hit unmute and kicked myself out of the meet up 01:36:44.406,01:36:47.406 David Lund: https://discord.gg/YQTN4by 01:36:47.013,01:36:50.013 Matt Oberdalhoff: Welcome back, ya winner! 01:37:01.306,01:37:04.306 Matt Oberdalhoff: DAVID 01:37:58.119,01:38:01.119 Matt Oberdalhoff: Thanks Caitlin! 01:38:04.860,01:38:07.860 Joseph Siemsen: thanks so much everyone!!! 01:38:11.757,01:38:14.757 David Lund: Yes, thank you Caitlin! And for the D&D recommendation! Cheers! 01:38:15.111,01:38:18.111 Caitlin Cadieux: congrats y'all! 01:38:19.132,01:38:22.132 Jim Collins: stay safe and healthy 01:38:23.395,01:38:26.395 Wendie Owens: Unreal! Thanks all 01:38:23.721,01:38:26.721 Caitlin Cadieux: 🐲 01:38:54.733,01:38:57.733 Matt Oberdalhoff: I'll spin in a circle just for you 01:38:57.131,01:39:00.131 Brian Barber: Thanks!